How to Address the Envelopes
The outer envelope, with the gummed flap, is the mailing envelope. It should be hand-addressed using black or blue ink. It should be formal. Do not use abbreviations, except in the title. Example:
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones
1554 South Wallace Street
Deer Park, Pennsylvania 12345
The inner envelope, without the gummed flap, holds the announcement, graduation picture, etc.
It should be addressed informally. Examples:
Place your card in the card holder, if your announcement includes this feature. If not, place the personal card in the fold of the announcement so that your name faces away from the text. The announcement is then placed in the smaller envelope with folded edge inserted first. The announcement front faces the flap. You may fasten the flap using a seal. If you do not use a seal, leave it untucked. This envelope is placed in the mailing envelope with the flap facing the mailing address side.
When to Send Announcements
If the announcement is being sent as an invitation to the ceremony and/or a graduation party, they should be sent out 10-14 days before the event. If it is just being used to announce the accomplishment of graduation, it is still proper to send it up to 14 days after the ceremony.
Note About Gifts
Gifts shouldn't be expected from all who receive announcements, but please be sure to send thank you notes to those who do send